

Income eligibility standards are effective for certifying all new applicants, and for recertifying current participants at the time of their next certification on or after July 1, 2013. The expected number of babies is counted in the family size for WIC and Medical Assistance (MA).

Current income guidelines for Health Beginnings (HB) and Healthy Beginnings Plus (HBP), are also listed. Refer potentially eligible individuals to these programs.

*Please note that QuickWIC will only take into account the annual figure when calculating income and the monthly figure is just an approximate.

FAMILY SIZE MONTHLY (Approx.) ANNUALLY                  185% HB & HBP Annually
1 $1,771 $21,257                                           $21,257
2 $2,391 $28,694                                           $28,694
3 $3,010 $36,131                                           $36,131
4 $3,630 $43,568                                           $43,568
5 $4,250 $51,005                                           $51,005
6 $4,869 $58,442                                           $58,442
7 $5,488 $65,879                                           $65,879
8 $6,107 $73,316                                           $73,316
For each additionalfamily member, add: $619 $7,437                                              $7,437

  • Unborn babies are counted in family size.
  • Foster children are eligible.
  • MA, TANF, and SNAP (Food Stamp) clients are eligible, but must provide income documentation.
  • WIC does not require proof of citizenship or alien status.
  • WIC is funded under contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Health using funds provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. PA WIC is funded by USDA
  • WIC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Who Can Receive WIC?

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or recently had a baby
  • Infants
  • Children under age 5

You mush live in Pennsylvania and not exceed these household income guidlines.

1 $1,799 $21,590
2 $2,425 $29,101
3 $3,050 $36,612
4 $3,676 $44,123
5 $4,302 $51,634
For each additional family member, add: $626 $7,511

* Gross income effective July 1, 2014

Unborn babies are counted in family size. Foster children are eligible/ MA, TANF and SNAP clients are eligible, but they must provide income documentation. WIC does not require proof of citizenship.